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faceup by @bjd_forest
Huli.Dolls BJD heads are sculpted with attention to details and proportions.
These sculpts don't require a faceup miracle to start looking like the desired subject, on the contrary the realistic sculpt simplifies the process. Sculpting details renders light your ally, you don't need to exceed with color and shades to help details emerge, light does that trick for you just hitting on the surface. In all digital designs presented on this site whatever detail you see, is actually sculpted on the surface.
The digital details are present also on the resin surface, since the XY and LCD resolution for detail reproduction, when a sculpt is getting resin flesh is 0,051mm, 2560x1620pixels.
Head sculpts are offered BLANK, in two resin colors: white or skin. Digital files are not available.
Are they 100% precise? The answer is no. Art is subject to personal interpretation and skill limitations. How close they get?
Follow the White Rabbit to find out....
BJD market offers bodies with a big variety of sizes. Who runs after desires creating hybrid BJDs (dolls that use parts from different companies and/or editions) knows very well that hybrids aren't an easy task. The true power of Huli BJD heads resides to the fact that can be customized to fit ANY BJD body at your disposal. You have full control over the volume of the head and neck size. In this way not only your head sculpt can fit the body you have but is also further unique.
Follow the White Rabbit to discover more....
The resin used for Huli.Dolls sculpts is a product with standarized color tones, there isn't a secret color recipe. ANYCUBIC Resin, 405nm SLA UV-Curing Resin with High Precision.
Their Skin, White or Grey products have standard color all around the globe. You wish not just something that gets close but actually a 100% color match? just go after products that use that resin, don't have to be Huli branded.
Why create bodies for
heads that can fit ANY body?
- Guided by the desire to have full control over details,
bodytype and mobility without compromises.
- 100% resin color matching between head and body. Color matching for hybrids respect the size fitting is a minor issue, considering that can be achieved coloring one or both parts. Skilled faceup artists offer this service at very low costs. But certain collectors prefer to obtain this match, not painting over a resin part but actually using resin pieces of the same color or similar ones.
- to offer in the near future the liberty of customizing the body you need, choosing among a variety of body pieces sculpted differently for each body region.
Follow the White-Rabbit to find out more..
Lorem impsum
Puppies and kittens are adorable, but I have a dream. That dream looks like a horse ...
stay tuned